Janny de Moor Janny de Moor


/Posted by: Janny de Moor

American vegetable dish

Serves two: orange pumpkin of about 1.25 kg 1 tablespoon oil 1 chopped onion 250 g cleaned Brussels sprouts   Sauce: 2 heaped tablespoons fair trade peanut butter 1 clove garlic, pressed 1-2 tablespoons lemon juice ...
/Posted by: Janny de Moor

Bulgarian peppers

Serves two:   2 green and 2 red peppers with flat bottoms olive oil 4 tbsp. chopped onion 100 g coarsely chopped walnuts 2 ripe tomatoes parsley sage leaves black pepper, salt 1 tin/jar white...
/Posted by: Janny de Moor

English wraps

Serves two:   2 large ripe conference pears 4 soft tortillas (20 cm) 2 spring onions, roughly chopped 2 tbsp. finely chopped parsley 150 g Blue Stilton, crumbled parsley leaves 25 g butter sprigs of...
/Posted by: Janny de Moor

Finnish barley bread

Baking tool: a (fluted) loose-based baking tin, top 28 cm /underside 26 cm /rim 2,5 cm, greased with butter   Batter (makes one round loaf): 175 g barley meal (health food shop) 150 g quick cooking...
/Posted by: Janny de Moor

Potatoes with coriander

Serves two:   Vegetable garnish: 400 g celery stalks (weight: cleaned and peeled) 150 g peeled onion 2 tbsp. olive oil salt coriander leaves   Potatoes: 350 g scrubbed small potatoes 4 tbsp. olive oil pepper, salt 100...