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Parsnip cakes with bacon and watercress


Parsnip cakes from Ireland. In the mid-19th century, Irish and English Quakers (The Society of Friends) organised food aid in the form of soup kitchens after the failed potato harvests – the only food for a third of the Irish population. They also ensured that parsnips, carrots, turnips and cabbage were sown to protect the country from hunger in the future. A number of them made such an effort to achieve this that they had to pay for it with an early death. But because of their efforts, the ‘cottage gardens’ were full of a variety of crops by the end of the century. Here a culinary tribute to those Quakers.

Traditionally the Irish have been fond of what you can pick in the wild, such as watercress. “Though mead and princely malt may be desirable for the infirm, dry bread and watercress are the food becoming the wise” is an old Celtic saying. But apparently not all Irish wanted to be that wise, as this traditional combination shows. Makes 6 cakes:

Wine: Merlot