- Janny de Moor - https://jannydemoor.nl/en -

English wraps


Serves two:


‘English’ because of the ingredients for the filling. In The Netherlands (I am Dutch) people ask for Conférence peren in a dignified French way, but that turns out to be quite ridiculous. Indeed, most pears, like roses for example, have French names because people in that country (and in what is now called Belgium) started upgrading what were until then rock-hard, stony stewing pears, which you absolutely could not eat raw. However, Thomas Francis Rivers from Herefordshire was rightly awarded a First-class certificate at the National Pear Conference in 1885 for the pear he had bred, which is now number one in the Netherlands and Belgium. So it is a ‘conference pear’.

In the past when thinking of blue cheeses, we in the Low Countries did not think of England immediately. Today you can buy Blue Stilton in most supermarkets. No wonder: this cheese is superb. Add to this the old English saying:

“Drink a pot of ale, eat a scoop of Stilton every day, you will make old bones

And you know what is good for you. No wonder that this delicacy has now reached Japan and America, the regions where most Stilton is imported.

You can try this with ale, or a German Dornfelder.

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