- Janny de Moor - https://jannydemoor.nl/en -

Aubergine/ Eggplant with apricots


Serves two:


Badindjan mahsji bi’l misjmisj from the rich collection of Middle Eastern recipes without meat. The cooking in the now Arabic-speaking countries was already environmentally friendly before the word existed. Lots of vegetables, grains, nuts and legumes.

The appreciation for this kind of dishes in those regions does not date from today or yesterday. Take Daniel from the Old Testament. He refused to follow the menu of King Nebuchadnezzar and asked for vegetables and water. And what happened? He became very handsome and fit (Dan.1:1-21) and was not torn by the lions. So if you want to seduce a lion, don’t eat meat!

(Wine: Rosé Pays d’Oc)

Menu suggestion: